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Teach Fetch New AppleScript Tricks

Want to use AppleScript to get more out of the Fetch FTP client? Try the Fetch 5 Example Scripts collection. You can use any script as provided, use them as a learning tool, or use them as a starting point for your own scripts.

Visit the Fetch download page



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Turn the Page

Turn the Page -- Adobe has released PageMill 2.0, which has much to delight Web authors, including a flexible table feature and an HTML Source view for what Adobe aptly terms "light" HTML editingShow full article

The Email Man Always Downloads Twice

The Email Man Always Downloads Twice -- Claris has decided to offer Claris Emailer 1.1 for free between now and when Emailer 2.0 ships. The year-old mail client combines Internet POP functionality with access to popular online servicesShow full article

ShrinkWrap 2.1

ShrinkWrap 2.1 -- Chad Magendanz has released version 2.1 of his now-classic disk image utility ShrinkWrap, which corrects a few rare problems (including troubles mounting network images and using older versions Speed Access and the StuffIt Engine), along with some optimizations and performance tweaks. This release is notable in that it is the last major release before ShrinkWrap becomes an Aladdin productShow full article

Quicken 7 Investments Alert

Steve Becker writes: While testing Quicken 7 for an upcoming review, I found some anomalous behavior in the Investment Module that Quicken 7 users should be aware ofShow full article

The Complete TidBITS on the Web

Thanks to the tireless, assiduous efforts of Matt Neuburg , every TidBITS issue - from the present day all the way back to TidBITS-001 from April of 1990 - is now available online in HTML formatShow full article

Directory Services Redux

It was just my luck that after writing an entire article about directory services on the Mac (see TidBITS-352), Apple announced it would be supporting LDAP, the Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolShow full article

Spell Catcher: Catch-all Utility for Writers

When Casady & Greene released Spell Catcher earlier this year, I decided to give it a try. Spell Catcher's principal claim to fame (though it has many secondary claims) is that it can check spelling in any program, using the same interface and dictionariesShow full article

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