This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-08-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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All in the family?

by Mark H. Anbinder

All in the family? Global Village tech support acknowledged recently something that confused users have been discovering: the company's OneWorld fax server software is not compatible with its software required to use a PowerPort modem in a 500-series PowerBook or PowerBook Duo. Oops. The OneWorld software comes with new, OneWorld-compatible versions of the TelePort and 100-series PowerPort control panels, but it predated the release of the PowerPort modems for the 500 and Duo series PowerBooks. Unfortunately, an update is not immediately forthcoming, though Global Village hopes to release one by the end of the year. Meanwhile, 500-series and Duo owners should not install OneWorld fax software on their PowerBooks if they plan to use an internal Global Village modem as well. [MHA]