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Add Notes to Pre-existing Recordings in Pear Note

While most people think of Pear Note as a tool for recording notes live, it can be used to take notes on pre-existing recordings as well. If you have an audio or video recording that you'd like to take notes on in Pear Note, simply:

  1. Drag the audio/video file to Pear Note and import it into a new document.
  2. Hit play.
  3. Click the lock to unlock the text of the note.

Now you can take notes that will be synced to the recording, just as if you'd recorded them live.

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TidBITS 3.0

We don't know how many of you have been with us since TidBITS#001, but those who have might realize that this issue marks the beginning of the fourth year of TidBITS. We would like to thank you all for making TidBITS a success. Over 50,000 people in 40 countries read TidBITS each week, and it's all happened by word of net. The best way you can help us keep TidBITS growing is to tell a friend or two about TidBITS. It's free, it's easy, and you can get more information by sending email to: <>. Thanks again for an enjoyable three years, and here's hoping we can reach TidBITS#1000 and mess up my three-digit numbering scheme.


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