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Verify Turned-Off Apple Wireless Keyboard

Can't tell if you've turned off your Apple Wireless Keyboard to prevent it from waking up an iOS device or running down its batteries? Tap the Caps Lock key, and if it illuminates, the keyboard is on; otherwise not.



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Well, it's that time again - Macworld Boston. I won't see any Internet mail all week, although Tonya will check periodically for important notes. If you need to get in touch with me, send me mail on CompuServe since the Seattle Downtown Business Users' Group (dBUG) kindly lent me their PowerBook 140 so I can stay in touch electronicallyShow full article

ON's Engineers

ON's Engineers -- Benn Kobb answers our rhetorical question from last week about the whereabouts of the engineers who produced the innovative ON machine: "Where are ON's engineers today? They are at ONEAC Corp., one of the major makers of uninterruptible power supplies for computers and stuffShow full article

Easy View 2.1

Forget all the product introductions at Macworld Expo. Akif Eyler of Turkey has made my summer. Akif recently put the finishing touches on a program called Easy View 2.1 that can, among other things, facilitate the reading of setext filesShow full article

Anti-Virus Help

An alert reader suggested this article, and I think it's an excellent way for the Macintosh community to pay back someone who has devoted much time and effort to itShow full article

Apple/Microsoft Love-In

Two weeks ago Apple and Microsoft made a joint announcement outlining plans for future joint technologies. The plans call for Apple to support a Microsoft database standard called Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API (Application Programming Interface) as a standard in the Data Access Manager (DAM)Show full article

Whither Maya?

[Don recently posted this explanation of the demise of Maya Computer on CompuServe, and others immediately flooded the message thread with condolences and regretsShow full article

Accidental Empires

It's summer again, and all respectable publications have reviews of books that would be appropriate for summer reading, whatever that is. I've never found that one season was necessarily any better than another for reading, but I've found a book that reads well any time of the year. Robert XShow full article

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