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Everything approaches normal again now that we have our new hard drive set up. Needless to say, we are investigating uninteruptible power supplies and would appreciate any information you can pass onShow full article

PowerBook 100... Cheap

Bargain hunters would do well to check out the PowerBook 100 4/40s being sold at Price Club warehouse stores for around $900. Apple pulled that configuration of the PowerBook 100 from the price list, recalled all the stock from dealers, and sent it to Price ClubShow full article

MacHack News

Despite several kind invitations, I could not attend MacHack this year, where I would have kibitzed for 96 hours straight as the programmers created their wonderful hacksShow full article

Apple Toner Recycling, Uh Huh!

Geez, talk about silly policies. It seems that at every chance Apple takes one step forward and two backward! I recently called the Apple toll free number to request 50 return labels for the Apple Toner recycling campaignShow full article

The Apple Environment

More important than the toner recycling program is an announcement from Apple last week that they have completely eliminated the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in cleaning circuit boards and manufacturing equipmentShow full article

Goldilocks and the Three Trackballs

So I lied - I only have two trackballs to review. But it's a good title and it does illustrate the main principle in buying a trackball, which is that trackballs, like porridge and beds, are individual and you must try several before you settle down like Goldilocks at your Mac. I requested several trackballs for review because both Tonya and I were experiencing wrist pain, tendinitis for her, carpal tunnel syndrome for meShow full article

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