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View Full Threads in Apple Mail

Many users are aware of Apple Mail's message threading feature, which highlights related email messages within the Inbox. However, many people don't know how to view both sent and received messages within a thread at once. To do so, first enable Message Threading under Mail's Viewing Preferences. Then, Command-click both the mailbox containing your threaded messages, and your Sent box. Now you can view both sent and received messages within the thread simultaneously.

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Submitted by
Sharon Zardetto



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

While all the articles in each mailed edition of TidBITS are available as individual articles, we also archive each edition in three forms (substitute an issue number for number):

Previous 25 issues | Next 25 issues

TidBITS #470 on 1999-03-08

Last week we explored the new possibilities the Macintosh Palm Desktop 2.1 software brings to Palm handheld owners and Claris Organizer users. This week Jeff Carlson takes a tour of the advanced personal organization software, pointing out some of the more confusing bits for Palm handheld users. Also this week, Adam and Tonya go grocery shopping on the Internet via the new, and we report on Adobe's big announcements at Seybold.

TidBITS #469 on 1999-03-01

Claris Organizer returns! If you were a fan of Claris's personal information manager, you'll be pleased to hear it has been reincarnated as the Macintosh Palm Desktop, and it's free whether or not you use a Palm device. Also this week, Louise Bremner passes on the sights, sounds, and tastes of Macworld Expo Tokyo. In the news, Adobe reveals Adobe GoLive 4.0, a new Web browser called iCab emerges, and Default Folder 3.0.1 and Aladdin DropStuff 5.1 appear.

TidBITS #468 on 1999-02-22

If you think walking barefoot over hot coals is preferable to setting up a firewall for your intranet or Internet connection, keep your shoes on and read Chris Pepper's article on firewall security (and why you should care even if you're not a network administrator). Also, Adam looks at the pros and cons of Macworld Expo's relocation to New York this July, and we note Palm Computing's release of two new handhelds and Alco Blom's release of Web Confidential 1.2.

TidBITS #467 on 1999-02-15

So why do Web pages aimed at Windows users have such tiny text? Geoff Duncan explains it all this issue, with a look at points, picas, pixels, and how the Mac OS and Windows render fonts differently. Adam weighs in with some thoughts on the permanence of URLs on the Web (and how to deal with broken URLs), and, in the news, we see Macintosh Runtime for Java 2.1, Action Files 1.2, ShareWay IP 2.0, and MasterJuggler 2.0.2.

TidBITS #466 on 1999-02-08

If you haven't investigated Mac OS 8.5's Sherlock, you'll find Kevin Savetz's introduction to searching the Internet a good start. Also this week, Adam traces the rise and fall of eMediaweekly and offers an installment of Tools We Use. The news abounds with updates, including Norton Utilities, PowerBook G3 modem software, Virtual PC, StuffIt Expander, and KeyQuencer, plus bits about Connectix's battle with Sony and Extensis's rescue of Suitcase from Symantec.

TidBITS #465 on 1999-02-01

Netscape and Microsoft have updated their Web browsers recently, but are you taking full advantage of the new features? This week Adam looks in detail at what's new and improved (or new and lousy) in the two Web browsing behemoths. Also this week, Jeff Carlson examines eMerge, a program that lets you use mail merge features for personalizing email. In the news, Connectix updates Virtual Game Station despite being sued by Sony, and Bare Bones releases BBEdit 5.0.2.

TidBITS #464 on 1999-01-25

Digital cameras continue to drop in price while adding cool features, and in this issue, digital photography expert Arthur Bleich provides his top picks for digital cameras. Also, Randy Parker looks at visual HTML editors in an attempt to replace the moribund Symantec Visual Page - although none meet his needs entirely, read on for his choice for a replacement. In the news, Optima System released PageSpinner 2.1, an update to their text-oriented HTML editor.

TidBITS #463 on 1999-01-18

Macworld Expo news continues this week, with all the information we couldn't fit in last week. (Baby.) We all pitch in for our regular Macworld Superlatives article, and Jeff Carlson looks at the various Palm-related products on display at the show. (Baby.) In the news, Apple announced at $152 million dollar profit, Fog City released LetterRip Pro 3.0.4, and oh, did we mention that Adam and Tonya had a baby, Tristan Mackay Engst?

TidBITS #462 on 1999-01-11

What's your favorite flavor? At last week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco, Apple surprised us with a handful of iCandy, speed-bumped iMacs in five fruity colors. However, the excitement didn't end there as Apple introduced a significantly changed Power Macintosh G3 and new displays. In this issue, we have the hard numbers behind the new Macs, plus impressions and observations from one of the more successful Macworld Expos in recent history.

TidBITS #461 on 1999-01-04

In this first issue of 1999, we welcome the new year with information about several software updates including new versions of BBEdit, Conflict Catcher, PaperPort software, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. We also bring news of PhotoScripter, scripting software for Photoshop; a look at what's up with running Linux on your Macintosh; and the beginning of an in-depth examination of the world of digital cameras.

TidBITS #460 on 1998-12-15

Welcome to our annual holiday gift issue! This year, TidBITS readers expound on Macintosh-related products that they recommend as great gifts. Suggestions range from inexpensive items such as snazzy mouse pads and cool shareware to more pricey hardware devices. There's also information about donating computer equipment and inspiration for gifts that help newer users ramp up on the iMac, the Internet, and their entire Macintosh world.

TidBITS #459 on 1998-12-14

Douglas Engelbart can be credited with inventing much of the computing paradigm we all use today, but have we missed his most important ideas? Adam looks at where Douglas Engelbart has been and where he thinks we need to go in the future. Also this week, we examine how you can integrate the Internet into your backup strategy. In the news, Macromedia ships Dreamweaver 2.0 and we announce our end-of-year holiday vacation.

TidBITS #458 on 1998-12-07

Did you just get around to installing Mac OS 8.5? Don't rest on your laurels: Apple has released the Mac OS 8.5.1 Update, and you'll likely want to install it in order to squash a handful of potential problems. Also, read about a beta release of the new Mac Palm Desktop software based on Claris Organizer, and about Anarchie Pro 3.5 and Retrospect Express 4.1. The issue finishes with a look at collaborative technologies shown at a recent ACM conference.

TidBITS #457 on 1998-11-30

Looking for a powerful graphics program? Contributing Editor Matt Neuburg reviews the gargantuan CorelDRAW 8. Also this week, Adam introduces a new column called "Tools We Use" with a look at the freeware GURU, and we pass on additional information regarding working with MP3 audio files on the Mac. In the news, AOL buys Netscape for $4.2 billion, Alsoft releases the new disk repair program DiskWarrior, and we make a call for holiday gift suggestions.

TidBITS #456 on 1998-11-23

So how does the Microsoft antitrust suit affect Apple and the industry? Matt Deatherage wraps up his analysis of the case this week, and we also offer news of a possible merger between AOL and Netscape, plus Sun winning a preliminary injunction against Microsoft in its Java licensing lawsuit. In news that's unrelated to Microsoft, we report on the releases of Speed Doubler 8.1.2 and WebSTAR 3.0.2, and offer more details about Apple's iMac financing deal.

TidBITS #455 on 1998-11-16

Videotaped testimony, executive accusations, and legal wrangling: more problems with the U.S. presidency? No, this time it's Bill Gates and Microsoft on trial in the courtroom and in the media. In this issue Matt Deatherage looks at the antitrust trial, and why Mac users need to pay attention. Also, we feature a look at the MP3 format for listening to CD-quality music from the Internet, and report on updates to Photoshop 5 and Font Reserve 2.

TidBITS #454 on 1998-11-09

HyperCard may be cool, but is there a business case for bundling it for free with every Mac? Check out Adam's telling case studies of HyperCard's utility. RSI sufferers should read Andrew Laurence's review of the Kinesis Ergonomic Contoured Keyboard. We also look at Apple's new $30 per month iMac financing model, updates to Retrospect, the releases of BBEdit 5.0 and Web Confidential 1.1, a WebDoubler solution to the Sherlock proxy bug, and SyQuest's troubles.

TidBITS #453 on 1998-11-02

First Emailer, now HyperCard? Could Apple be pruning the one of the juiciest fruits of its most talented programmers? Geoff Duncan examines the history and evolution of HyperCard, along with reasons for its dilemma. Jeff Carlson reviews a pair of HTML optimization programs which extract every unnecessary bit from your Web pages, and in the news, we note Conflict Catcher 8.0.3 and Palm Buddy 1.1, plus announce the Electronic Phoenix Project mailing list.

TidBITS #452 on 1998-10-26

Mac OS 8.5 remains the focus this week, as Geoff Duncan turns his attention to important changes and additions to Open Transport networking, AppleScript, online help systems, and Navigation Services. Anyone running a server on a Mac will also be interested in our tips on how to restart crashed servers automatically using MacsBug. News this week includes the release of Netscape Communicator 4.5 and the death of Internet luminary Jon Postel.

TidBITS #451 on 1998-10-19

Steve Jobs capped last week by announcing $106 million in quarterly earnings, a profitable year, and the long-awaited Mac OS 8.5. The positive financials are great, but everyone wants to know about Mac OS 8.5, so Technical Editor Geoff Duncan delves into the important new features and major conflicts. Also, Adam presents his ideas for reviving old software, and we report on the release of Keep It Up 2.0.1 and the numerous problem reports about Norton Utilities 4.0.

TidBITS #450 on 1998-10-12

Our examination of how moderately normal people can use MacsBug continues this week and includes valuable information on how to create logs for developers when you're beta testing a program. Also in this issue, Adam looks at the apparent demise of Claris Emailer, and we note important software releases including QuarkXPress 4.04, Eudora Pro 4.0.2, AutoShare 3.0, and FileMaker Pro 4.0v2, and the "almost here" StuffIt Deluxe 5.0.

TidBITS #449 on 1998-10-05

Remember those Programming for Poets courses in college? This week, our Technical Editor Geoff Duncan waxes poetical about the capabilities of Apple's low-level debugger MacsBug when placed in the hands of merely geeky non-programmers. Also this week, we welcome two new sponsors - Maxum and Dantz, announce Conflict Catcher 8.0.2 and a public beta of the hot Eudora Pro 4.1, and relay news of a free version of Nisus Writer you can download.

TidBITS #448 on 1998-09-28

Trojan Horse alert! Read on for the details of the latest Trojan Horse/virus combination found in an extension called Graphics Accelerator. Adam reviews the Web-savvy Anarchie Pro 3.0, the latest incarnation of Peter Lewis's popular FTP program. Also this week, we give a nod to our dedicated translation teams, look briefly at two new anti-spam laws that just passed in California, and announce Adobe Illustrator 8.0 and WebSTAR 2.1.1.

TidBITS #447 on 1998-09-21

Curious about bandwidth? This week Adam looks at The Race for Bandwidth, a new book he edited for the late Cary Lu. Those installing Ethernet networks should read on for useful details and resources to add to last week's Ethernet primer. News this week includes a Macintosh mailing list database, USB devices from Keyspan, and Aladdin's Desktop Magician, plus upgrades for FileMaker 4.1, Web Confidential 1.0.2, Virtual PC 2.1.1, and Norton Utilities 4.0.

TidBITS #446 on 1998-09-14

Wondering about the best way to connect a few Macs to share files, a printer, or an Internet connection? Keep reading for Adam's notes on creating a basic Ethernet network. Also this week, Matt Neuburg explains why Conflict Catcher 8 has become his extension manager of choice, and we have news of an Internet Explorer security patch; Apple's iMac Update 1.0; and new versions of Anarchie Pro 3.0, Retrospect 4.1, DoorStop 1.0, Mailsmith 1.1, and SpeedDoubler 8.1.1.

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