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Teach Fetch New AppleScript Tricks

Want to use AppleScript to get more out of the Fetch FTP client? Try the Fetch 5 Example Scripts collection. You can use any script as provided, use them as a learning tool, or use them as a starting point for your own scripts.

Visit the Fetch download page



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Anarchie Pro 3.5 Adds Mac OS 8.5 Features

Anarchie Pro 3.5 Adds Mac OS 8.5 Features -- Stairways Software has released Anarchie Pro 3.5, an update to the widely used $35 shareware file transfer toolShow full article

Dantz Releases Free Retrospect Express 4.1 Upgrade

Dantz Releases Free Retrospect Express 4.1 Upgrade -- Dantz Development last week released a free upgrade to the individual backup program Retrospect ExpressShow full article

Macworld Expo SF '99 Events List Online

Macworld Expo SF '99 Events List Online -- The indefatigable Ilene Hoffman has posted the Robert Hess Memorial Macworld Expo Events List. If you plan to attend Macworld Expo in San Francisco from 05-Jan-99 through 08-Jan-99, check the list for public eventsShow full article

Apple Releases Mac OS 8.5.1 Update

Following a few weeks of rumor and speculation, Apple today released the Mac OS 8.5.1 Update. The update doesn't offer any new features (although it does include a few new Sherlock plug-ins), but instead addresses a selection of under-the-hood problems in Mac OS 8.5Show full article

Mac Palm Desktop Beta Arrives with Palm VII News

After repeated delays, 3Com/Palm Computing has posted a public beta of the Macintosh Palm Desktop 2.1 on its Web site. We typically don't report on beta releases, but in this case Mac-based PalmPilot and Palm III users have waited for months for the new software, even beta software, which replaces the awkward Pilot Desktop 1.0 (see "Palm Organizer for Macintosh: Details Emerge" in TidBITS-432)Show full article

Walking the Meme Streets of the ACM

A few weeks ago, I attended portions of the ACM's (Association for Computing Machinery) 1998 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. The conference centered on using computers to make it easier for people to work together, an extremely worthy goalShow full article

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