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Single Time Machine Backups

Tired of Time Machine running all the time? You can turn it off in the Time Machine preference pane, but still initiate a single backup by choosing Back Up Now from Time Machine's menu bar icon. Of course, your backup is much less likely to be up to date, but Time Machine won't be taking any resources while you're trying to work.

Submitted by
Richard Kane



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Microsoft Office X Ships

Microsoft Office X Ships -- With today's release of Microsoft Office X for Mac OS X, one of the major hurdles to mainstream use of Mac OS X has been crossed. Along with the new features we mentioned in "Microsoft Office 10's Carrot and Stick" in TidBITS-591, Word X boasts an improved Data Merge Manager that can use the Office address book as a data source, Excel X promises an improved List Manager, and PowerPoint X offers multiple slide masters, multiple language support, and support for QuickTime transitions. Entourage X has changed the most, and it now retains formatted text when pasting from other Office documents, offers a recently used address list, provides a redesigned calendar interface, supports international address formats, works with the Keychain, handles changes in time zones, offers improved performance, and supports rich content within messages, signatures, and notes. Microsoft Office X requires a PowerPC G3-based Mac or better with at least 128 MB of RAM and 196 MB of disk space running Mac OS X 10.1. It costs $500 for a new copy, with each individual application at $400. Upgrade pricing is a bit complex; to upgrade from Office 2001, Office 98, Word 2001 + Entourage 2001 Special Edition, or any individual Office application costs $300. However, through 18-Jan-02, upgrades from Office 2001, Word 2001 + Entourage 2001 Special Edition, or any individual Office 2001 application costs only $150. Upgrades to any individual Office application from a 2001 or 98 version also cost $150. For anyone who purchases Office 2001 between 24-Oct-01 and 31-Dec-01, a free upgrade to Office X is available via Microsoft's Technology Guarantee program. If you don't own Office at all, or you own a version older than Office 98, the Technology Guarantee program is a good way to get a copy of Office 2001 for Mac OS 8.1 and higher along with Office X for Mac OS X. [ACE]

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