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Expose Shortcut for View All Windows

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, press the Tab key to view all windows belonging to one application (equivalent to pressing F10 or Control-F3 on recent laptops). Press Tab again to switch between applications while remaining in Expose. You can also click an icon in the dock.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1 Goes Mac OS X Native

Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1 Goes Mac OS X Native -- Power On Software has released Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.1, the Mac OS X version of their long-standing calendaring and contact management program. For the most part, the feature set matches that of the Mac OS 9-compatible version 4.0.3 (which remains the current version for Mac OS 9 users; see "Now Up-to-Date & Contact 4.0 Released" in TidBITS-582), although limitations in Mac OS X mean that there's no Palm synchronization yet, no menu bar alerts (alert dialogs remain), no Hot Keys for QuickContact, no support for phone dialing, and no Grab 'n Go utility for adding information quickly. Other minor changes include requiring new port numbers for the public event and contact servers under Mac OS X and slight reorganization of menus to match the Mac OS X standards. In our testing, the betas have worked well, and short of the Palm synchronization that so many Mac OS X applications have been unable to provide, the experience of using Now Up-to-Date & Contact in Mac OS X and with the Aqua interface was essentially identical to using it under Mac OS 9. The file format is the same, so there's no problem with using the same calendar and contact files back and forth between the Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X versions, though you'll want to make sure not to run QuickContact and QuickDay under Classic in Mac OS X to avoid duplication. Now Up-to-Date & Contact costs $120 for a download version; a boxed version is available for $130; upgrades from previous versions are $50. A 30-day trial version (22 MB) is also available. [ACE]



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