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Beware Country-Specific iTunes Stores

If you buy an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, and you happen to be a user of the iTunes Store in more than one country, take note which country's store you're viewing in iTunes when you plug in the device for the first time. This will be the country the device will register with, and you will be forever barred from purchasing or even updating free apps from anywhere else. The only way out is to delete everything on the device and do a full restore.

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Eolake Stobblehouse



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Poll Results: Collateral Spammage

Poll Results: Collateral Spammage -- About 1,200 people voted in last week's poll that asked how many unsolicited commercial email messages you received per week on average. Although several people felt that we should have had options that offered higher ranges - up into the 150 to 200 spam messages per week - the distribution of votes was relatively even with the ranges we chose. The most common answers fell between receiving 1 and 30 spam messages per week, with a significant minority receiving 31 or more. Only eight percent of respondents said they didn't receive any spam at all, although some of them admitted that this was because they had just switched ISPs to escape a heavily targeted email account. [ACE]



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