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Move the Dock Quickly

You may find it convenient to move the position of the Dock when working in certain programs or with certain files. Rather than choosing a different position from the Dock preferences pane or using a submenu in the Apple menu's Dock submenu, you can move your Dock to a different screen edge merely by Shift-dragging the separator that divides the application and document sections.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

KeyQuencer Upgraded to 2.5

KeyQuencer Upgraded to 2.5 -- Binary Software has released KeyQuencer 2.5, a major upgrade to Alessandro Levi Montalcini's popular macro utility. New features include contextual menu support for Mac OS 8 users, an OpenURL command that opens any Web or FTP site with a keystroke, and KeyQuencer Helpers that simplify and automate macro creation. KeyQuencer 2.5 also includes numerous tweaks. Upgrades cost $11.95 for registered users of KeyQuencer 2.0 or 2.1. For a review of KeyQuencer 2.0 and general information about macro programs, see "KeyQuencer - QuicKeys Quencher?" in TidBITS-351 and "The User Over Your Shoulder - Of Macs and Macros" in TidBITS-357. [ACE]



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