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Set Password Activation Time in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, you can now set an amount of time after your Mac goes to sleep or engages the screen saver before it requires a password to log back on. In Leopard, the option was simply to require the password or not. Choose among several increments, between 5 seconds and 4 hours, from System Preferences > Security.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/23-Apr-07

iRemote -- An Apple patent filing indicates that the iPhone (or other mobile phone) can be used to control software such as iTunes. Hmmm... (1 message)

Apple Store Traffic -- If you're still undecided about Apple's retail store experiment, go hang out at an Apple Store for a while; boxes seem to exit at a brisk clip, according to readers. (1 message)

Disabling "talking heads" in Flash? If Flash-based ads and other automatic multimedia on the Web are driving you crazy, learn how to turn them off. (13 messages)

Little Snitch -- This utility warns you when an application is attempting to "phone home" over the Internet. (2 messages)

Using Verizon Treo 650 as Modem from MacBook Pro -- Alas, this capability doesn't appear to work on the Mac; some hacks exist, but they aren't reliable. (2 messages)

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Hackers upgrading Apple TV's capabilities -- The Apple TV has been the focus of intense hacker interest since its release: upgrading the hard drive, booting via the USB port, and more. (9 messages)

TidBITS Turns 17 -- A throwaway comment about getting hold of car keys turns into an interesting discussion of automobiles and the decreasing need for keys. Oh, and Happy Birthday, TidBITS! (25 messages)

AirPort Extreme N Firmware 7.1 Update -- Readers run into issues when updating the latest AirPort Extreme base station. (7 messages)

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Police attempt to emerge from the 19th century -- Prosecuting computer crime is made more difficult by the fact that few police officers understand the technology. (1 message)

When to cut ties to the past -- Sure, it would be nice if every program ever written for the Mac could run under Mac OS X, but that's not realistic. What's a reasonable cutoff point? (18 messages)

Finding rogue invisible files -- Mac OS X uses lots of invisible files for temporary storage, which can sometimes get out of hand. Several methods for tracking them down are offered. (17 messages)

What if Apple designed a car? The talk of cars in another thread prompts the question of what an Apple-designed car would look like, and which features it would have compared to other cars on the market today. (8 messages)


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