This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-04-23 at 1:54 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/23-Apr-07

by TidBITS Staff

iRemote -- An Apple patent filing indicates that the iPhone (or other mobile phone) can be used to control software such as iTunes. Hmmm... (1 message [1])

Apple Store Traffic -- If you're still undecided about Apple's retail store experiment, go hang out at an Apple Store for a while; boxes seem to exit at a brisk clip, according to readers. (1 message [2])

Disabling "talking heads" in Flash? If Flash-based ads and other automatic multimedia on the Web are driving you crazy, learn how to turn them off. (13 messages [3])

Little Snitch -- This utility warns you when an application is attempting to "phone home" over the Internet. (2 messages [4])

Using Verizon Treo 650 as Modem from MacBook Pro -- Alas, this capability doesn't appear to work on the Mac; some hacks exist, but they aren't reliable. (2 messages [5])

Battery drain during sleep -- Is it normal for a MacBook lose 40 percent of its charge while asleep during the weekend? (14 messages [6])

Hackers upgrading Apple TV's capabilities -- The Apple TV has been the focus of intense hacker interest since its release: upgrading the hard drive, booting via the USB port, and more. (9 messages [7])

TidBITS Turns 17 -- A throwaway comment about getting hold of car keys turns into an interesting discussion of automobiles and the decreasing need for keys. Oh, and Happy Birthday, TidBITS! (25 messages [8])

AirPort Extreme N Firmware 7.1 Update -- Readers run into issues when updating the latest AirPort Extreme base station. (7 messages [9])

Current Apple Market Share -- Where can you find current information on Mac market share? And will it increase? (3 messages [10])

Police attempt to emerge from the 19th century -- Prosecuting computer crime is made more difficult by the fact that few police officers understand the technology. (1 message [11])

When to cut ties to the past -- Sure, it would be nice if every program ever written for the Mac could run under Mac OS X, but that's not realistic. What's a reasonable cutoff point? (18 messages [12])

Finding rogue invisible files -- Mac OS X uses lots of invisible files for temporary storage, which can sometimes get out of hand. Several methods for tracking them down are offered. (17 messages [13])

What if Apple designed a car? The talk of cars in another thread prompts the question of what an Apple-designed car would look like, and which features it would have compared to other cars on the market today. (8 messages [14])
