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Avoid Naming Pear Note Files

If you create a lot of documents, coming up with a name for them can sometimes be a hassle. This is especially true now that search is becoming a more prevalent way to find documents. Pear Note provides a way to have the application automatically generate a filename so you can avoid this hassle. To use this:

  1. Open Saving under Pear Note's preferences.
  2. Select a default save location.
  3. Select a default save name template (Pear Note's help documents all the fields that can be automatically filled in).
  4. Check the box stating that Command-S saves without prompting.
  5. If you decide you want to name a particular note later, just use Save As... instead.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/21-Feb-05

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be faster.

How are you managing your headphones/headsets? There are music headphones and earbuds, and phone headphones, but do any of them work for both listening to music and talking on the phone? (5 messages)


Mac mini impressions -- Now that Apple's Mac mini is getting into customers' hands, how well does it perform? Readers look at memory limitations and using wireless peripherals. (5 messages)


Moving my e-life to a new machine -- While waiting for a new PowerBook to arrive, a reader ponders the best way to transfer the data from his old machine to the new one. (13 messages)



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