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Mac OS X Zip Expanding Utility

Firefox (and possibly other applications) may ask you what you want to do with .zip archives that you download from the Internet. If you want to expand them with Mac OS X (rather than StuffIt Expander), you may be unsure of which application actually does the job. You're looking for Archive Utility (in Leopard) or BOMArchiveHelper (in Tiger). In either case, the application is stored in Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/. Don't move it from there, though, or you'll confuse matters.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Wins Subpoena Request

Apple Wins Subpoena Request -- In the latest update in Apple's quest to squelch information leaks, Judge James Kleinberg of Santa Clara County Superior Court ruled last Friday that the news site O'Grady's PowerPage must divulge its confidential sources, describing the information as "stolen property." The judge was careful to note that his ruling should not be construed more broadly than Apple's right to subpoena information from PowerPage's ISP NfoxShow full article

When It Bends, It's Funny. When It Breaks...

I had beads - nay, rivulets - of sweat on my brow. Why wouldn't it open? You guessed it: I was installing RAM in my new Mac mini. I avoided Apple's $425 price tag for a 1 GB upgrade (from the meager built-in 256 MB of RAM), and bought generic RAM for $200Show full article

A Rising Tide of Ebooks

Adam is fond of talking about the "Macintosh ecosystem" and how the companies and products that make up that system generally work together for a common goodShow full article

When You Need a Panoramic View

When you're setting up a database for the first time, do you know exactly what you'll want out of it, for the rest of the life of the database? Heck, do you know what you're going want from it next month? You probably have a general idea, and if you've created databases in the past or are working with a consultant, you'll probably spend some time mapping out your data structures, reports, and moreShow full article

Take Control News/14-Mar-05

As a way of spreading the word about Take Control ebooks, we've started working with some of our friends at other publications to publish excerpts from a few of our booksShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/14-Mar-05

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be faster. Good streetmap software for Macs? Do any companies make mapping software comparable to Microsoft Streets & Trips for Windows? Route 66 could be the answer, or online mapping sourcesShow full article

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