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Move Multiple Windows Simultaneously in Spaces

Command-drag a window in Spaces to move all windows associated with the dragged window's application to a new space. Control-drag will do the same thing, and will also preserve the same screen position in the space in which you drop the windows.

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Security Update 2003-03-03

Security Update 2003-03-03 -- In an effort to stay up to date with security improvements on the Unix front, Apple has also released Security Update 2003-03-03, which provides a new version of sendmail that closes a hole which could allow a cracker access to the system. It wasn't a serious problem for most Mac users, since sendmail is off by default. Also updated was OpenSSL, the new version of which provides improved data confidentiality. Since the sendmail problem affects Mac OS X 10.1.5 as well as 10.2.4, there's a variant of the update for those Mac OS X users who haven't updated to Jaguar. The Jaguar version of the update is a 1.7 MB download; the 10.1.5 version is a 705K download. [ACE]

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