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Launching Maps from Address Book

Need fast directions to a contact's location in Address Book? By Control-clicking on the contact's address and selecting "Map Of" from the resulting menu, a Google map displaying the location immediately opens in your browser.

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Sharon Zardetto



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Java 1.4.1 Update

Java 1.4.1 Update -- Late this afternoon, Apple released Java 1.4.1, a significant update to the Java environment on the Mac. According to Apple, Java support in Safari and other Web browsers that support the Java Internet Plug-in has been improved, and applications written in Java now better take advantage of the Aqua interface and Quartz Extreme rendering capabilities in Mac OS XShow full article

Keynote 1.0.1 Update

Keynote 1.0.1 Update -- Apple released Keynote 1.0.1 via Software Update, saying that the new version brings support for Japanese, French, German, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish to the presentation softwareShow full article

Security Update 2003-03-03

Security Update 2003-03-03 -- In an effort to stay up to date with security improvements on the Unix front, Apple has also released Security Update 2003-03-03, which provides a new version of sendmail that closes a hole which could allow a cracker access to the systemShow full article

iMovie 3.0.2 Update

iMovie 3.0.2 Update -- Apple's pest control department also released a maintenance update to iMovie 3, incorporating unspecified bug fixes into the promising, but troubled, video-editing application (see "iMovie, Take 3" in TidBITS-665)Show full article

Getting Attached to Networked Storage

Setting up an old Mac as a network fileserver has been a trivial operation since the release of System 7 many years ago: create a few sharing accounts, set permissions on folders, turn file sharing on, and you're done. Many of us have older Macs lying around that can be put into service as a file server with a larger hard drive and the latest Mac OS version the computer can handleShow full article

Scripting the Unscriptable in Mac OS X

This is the tale of a U.S. government statute, a certain Cupertino-based computer company, and a small revolution taking place quietly on your computer, if you use Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar. To understand this revolution, you need to know what a macro program isShow full article

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