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Verify Turned-Off Apple Wireless Keyboard

Can't tell if you've turned off your Apple Wireless Keyboard to prevent it from waking up an iOS device or running down its batteries? Tap the Caps Lock key, and if it illuminates, the keyboard is on; otherwise not.



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PowerMail 3.0.4 Available

PowerMail 3.0.4 Available -- CTM Development has released PowerMail 3.0.4, squashing several bugs and adding the capability to export messages in tab-delimited text format. The new version of the email client fixes a handful of crashing problems and miscellaneous errors, and also launches faster than previous versions. (See "Migrating to New Climes with PowerMail" in TidBITS-530.) PowerMail 3.0.4 is a 2.3 MB download and requires Mac OS 8.5 or later; a 30-day demo is available. [JLC]



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