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Mac OS X Zip Expanding Utility

Firefox (and possibly other applications) may ask you what you want to do with .zip archives that you download from the Internet. If you want to expand them with Mac OS X (rather than StuffIt Expander), you may be unsure of which application actually does the job. You're looking for Archive Utility (in Leopard) or BOMArchiveHelper (in Tiger). In either case, the application is stored in Hard Drive/System/Library/Core Services/. Don't move it from there, though, or you'll confuse matters.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Poll Preview: I Want My MP3

Poll Preview: I Want My MP3 -- The MP3 audio format is radically altering the music landscape in terms of playing and distributing recorded material. Now that MP3 is gaining a wider acceptance, which software MP3 player do you prefer? There are a ton of MP3 players available, including some less well-known applications we didn't have room to include, so if you use a program we didn't list, send a note to TidBITS Talk at <> outlining what you use, why, and where others can find the program. Of course, if you prefer tunes from your old eight-track or cassette player - or even from real musical instruments - we've got a None option ready for you. Cast your vote on our home page today! [JLC]



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