This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2000-06-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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Poll Preview: I Want My MP3

by Jeff Carlson

Poll Preview: I Want My MP3 -- The MP3 audio format is radically altering the music landscape in terms of playing and distributing recorded material. Now that MP3 is gaining a wider acceptance, which software MP3 player do you prefer? There are a ton of MP3 players available, including some less well-known applications we didn't have room to include, so if you use a program we didn't list, send a note to TidBITS Talk at <> outlining what you use, why, and where others can find the program. Of course, if you prefer tunes from your old eight-track or cassette player - or even from real musical instruments - we've got a None option ready for you. Cast your vote on our home page today! [JLC]
