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Go Back and Forth Fast in Preview

If you're reading a PDF in Apple's Preview software, and you follow a bookmark or an internal link to move around within the PDF, you can quickly return to where you were by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command-[ (that's Command-Left Bracket). Or, you can choose Go > Back.

The command works iteratively, so you can go back to just the previously viewed page or if you issue the command again, to the page before that, and so on. There's also an equivalent Go > Forward (Command-]).



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Quiz Preview: Sending Email Attachments to Windows

Quiz Preview: Sending Email Attachments to Windows -- It's quiz time again, and this week's question is one that has vexed many a newbie (and plenty of veteran users). Attaching files to outgoing email messages intended for Mac users is usually no sweat, especially for people using modern email programs. But what's the best encoding method to use when sending a file to a Windows user via email? It's a tricky question, and if you test your knowledge on our home page, the results page will explain the correct answer. [JLC]



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