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Time for a Fetch Refresh?

In the Fetch FTP client, if you see a time stamp like "As of 6/19/10 2:29 PM" above the file list, that means that Fetch is re-using a file list it downloaded earlier. Click the swooshing-arrow refresh button (located beside the time stamp) to refresh the list.

Visit Fetch Softworks



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Other articles in the series Email Attachments


Previous: TidBITS 514 Next: TidBITS 516

E.T. Search Continues with SETI@home 2.0

E.T. Search Continues with SETI@home 2.0 -- The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project has updated its SETI@home client to version 2.0, adding security features, improving proxy support, and fixing bugs to the software that utilizes distributed computer processing power to analyze data from the Arecibo radio telescopeShow full article

Old Starter Kits Now Online

Old Starter Kits Now Online -- Last week a reader commented that he couldn't find the online versions of my Internet Starter Kit books (3rd edition Mac, 2nd edition Windows 3.1) at Macmillan Computer Publishing's site due to yet another reorganizationShow full article

Poll Preview: They Come in Colors

Poll Preview: They Come in Colors -- Next week we'll be looking at Canvas 7, the latest version of Deneba's popular Swiss Army knife of graphics programsShow full article

Better than Flying by Wire

My family has always liked remote controls. Many years ago - long before every television came with a remote - my parents had a device they called a bleeperShow full article

Email Attachment Formats Explained

Okay, we may have confused a few people with last week's quiz, where we asked "What's the best encoding to use when sending a file to a Windows user via email?" I'll get to the correct answer shortly, but first let me explain the confusion. Terminology -- As I explained in "Macintosh Internet File Format Primer," in TidBITS-445, there are usually two actions that take place for Macintosh files to be transferred via email: binary packaging and transfer encodingShow full article

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