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Go Back and Forth Fast in Preview

If you're reading a PDF in Apple's Preview software, and you follow a bookmark or an internal link to move around within the PDF, you can quickly return to where you were by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command-[ (that's Command-Left Bracket). Or, you can choose Go > Back.

The command works iteratively, so you can go back to just the previously viewed page or if you issue the command again, to the page before that, and so on. There's also an equivalent Go > Forward (Command-]).



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Poll Results: A Mouse in the House

Poll Results: A Mouse in the House -- Our most recent poll, which asked what sort of pointing device you use, proved quite interesting. Over almost 2,100 respondents, about a third stuck with their Apple mice, another third used a third-party mouse, and a quarter relied on trackballs. Trackpads ranked lower than I would have guessed, at 7 percent, but graphics tablets fared better than expected, with 3 percent. Only a handful of people use joysticks, game controllers, infrared pointers, touchscreens, or other pointing devices. The fact that such a large percentage of people purchase third-party pointing devices would seem to imply both that pointing device preferences vary tremendously and that Apple's current mouse design is a good thing for aftermarket mouse makers. [ACE]



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