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Open Links from Mail in the Background

Tired of switching back and forth between Mail and your Web browser every time you click a link in a TidBITS issue or other email message? Here's an easy workaround. Hold down the Command key when you click links in Mail to open them in your browser without switching away from Mail. That way you can keep reading in Mail and then read all the Web pages you've opened.



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Office 98 Update for Mac OS 9

Office 98 Update for Mac OS 9 -- Microsoft has released a 2.7 MB update to Microsoft Office 98 for Mac OS 9. The update is designed to address two specific issues with Office 98 under Mac OS 9: the Format Chart dialog in Excel and Graph should display correctly, and PowerPoint should be able to print to a USB Epson 740 printer. The updater works only with the English language edition of Office 98; Microsoft plans to make updaters for other languages available via its Mac Office Web pages. Also, note this update does not include previous updates to Office 98, which address issues with Mac OS 8.5 and the Memo and Resume Wizards, plus security concerns with unique identifier codes and OLE potentially embedding unrelated data from your computer in Office documents. [GD]

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