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Use Expose to Open Files Quickly

Looking for an easy way to drag a file into a hidden application? First enter Expose's All Windows mode by hitting F9, then hover over an application's window while dragging your file, pause for a moment (or press the Space bar) and that window will spring to the foreground enabling you to open the file within that application.

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AutoShare 3.0 Released

AutoShare 3.0 Released -- Mikael Hansen has released version 3.0 of AutoShare, his freeware mailing list manager and auto-responder that works with Eudora Internet Mail Server and Stalker Internet Mail Server. Major new features include support for internal and external subscriber databases, support for MIME digests, additional remote email administration commands, and support for more bounce formats. The most interesting feature is the support for subscriber databases, which enable you to add your own fields. AutoShare communicates with external databases via scripting, which provides good flexibility but can suffer from poor performance. AutoShare 3.0 is a 1.9 MB download. [ACE]



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