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Verify Turned-Off Apple Wireless Keyboard

Can't tell if you've turned off your Apple Wireless Keyboard to prevent it from waking up an iOS device or running down its batteries? Tap the Caps Lock key, and if it illuminates, the keyboard is on; otherwise not.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Question: What's a Webring?

Question: What's a Webring? Dave Sacher <> asks, "I keep seeing references to 'Webrings' - what are they?"

Answer: Webrings are actually the common name for a fascinating new form of fungus (Conocybe packetea; see a picture of the closely related Conocybe lactea at the URL below) that springs up, seemingly overnight, on related Web pages.

< Conocybe_lactea.html>

Seriously, Webrings are a way for groups of Web sites with related content to link to one another in a circle, or ring, simplifying navigation and providing some locational context within the abstractness of the Web. Thus, you can move back and forth between related sites within a Webring by clicking the next and previous Webring buttons. A large number of Webrings have appeared, with topics ranging from the ABC Daytime Soap Opera Webring to the Vietnam Veterans on the Net Webring. For a list, check out Yahoo and the main Webring Web site. [ACE]

< Internet/ World_Wide_Web/Searching_the_ Web/Indices_to_Web_Documents/ Rings/>


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