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Show Bookmarks Bar in Mobile Safari

Using the Safari app on your iPad? Take advantage of the bookmarks bar. To display it, open the Settings app, tap Safari, and turn on Always Show Bookmarks Bar.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

X-Rated Placeholders

X-Rated Placeholders -- A random and amusing anecdote arrived from Russell Aminzade <>:

I had a job recently developing a Web site for an intranet for a division of a Fortune 100 computer company. One of the things they wanted was a page of links to related materials, so I created the "links" pages with some dummy URLs.
Throughout the Web site, I had used the same placeholder for missing information - "http://xxx" for a server, and "xxx.htm" for the missing documents. My assumption was that the browser would simply present an error to users when that link was clicked.
However, Netscape Navigator [and Microsoft Internet Explorer -Adam] is friendly about resolving improper URLs. It went looking for a site called Ooops. I got a frantic phone call from the company asking if I knew that I had included links to pornographic sites on my prototype.
The moral of the story: if you must use a placeholder for URLs, include a real, dummy page on your site, and point those URLs to it.


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