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Removing Photos from iPhoto

Despite iPhoto's long history, many people continue to be confused about exactly what happens when you delete a photo. There are three possibilities.

If you delete a photo from an album, book, card, calendar, or saved slideshow, the photo is merely removed from that item and remains generally available in your iPhoto library.

If, however, you delete a photo while in Events or Photos view, that act moves the photo to iPhoto's Trash. It's still available, but...

If you then empty iPhoto's Trash, all photos in it will be deleted from the iPhoto library and from your hard disk.

Visit iPhoto '08: Visual QuickStart Guide



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Jobs Named "Interim CEO"

Jobs Named "Interim CEO" -- After serving as a "special advisor" to Apple's board of directors and executive management team for several months, Steve Jobs has been officially named interim CEO until Apple's board can tap a new CEO, likely before year's end. The new title changes little, but is interesting because Jobs may now be forced to take responsibility for his actions along with any credit that would be due. Previously, it would have been easy for Jobs to take credit for successes at Apple while ducking responsibility for problems his actions caused. Jobs's motivations remain a mystery - he has refused the post of CEO and even now only stands to be interim CEO for several months, but his recent actions are those of someone trying to remake a company in his own image. [ACE]

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