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Spacebar Magnifies Photos in iPhoto '08

In iPhoto '08, you can choose whether double-clicking on a photo will edit it or magnify it. I prefer my double-clicks to edit photos, but every now and then it's nice to magnify a photo. To do that, even when double-click is set to edit, just select the photo and press the Spacebar.

Visit iPhoto '08: Visual QuickStart Guide



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Anyone who doesn't consider themselves an expert on configuring memory for the Macintosh should take a look at a small booklet from Connectix called The Macintosh Memory Guide. It is free, and you can get one by calling Connectix at the number below or sending email to with your snail mail address included. If you help out with a user group, Connectix will send you 100 copies or as many as you want if you'll use them. In addition, an electronic version (in Microsoft Word format) is archived at for anonymous FTP. Just look for /info-mac/report/mac-memory-guide.hqx. I've read the booklet and am extremely impressed with it. Highly recommended and well worth the price. :-)

Slip-up of the week goes to Adobe. A recent batch of Adobe Type Manager 2.0.3 upgrades actually contained Illustrator 3.0.2 upgrades (which happen to include ATM 2.0.3). The two-disk upgrade package included tutorial and update information materials. Adobe has been sheepishly calling the customers who received these to explain what happened, and to ask that the customers prepare the packages to be picked up by Adobe's shipping service, at no charge to the customer. :-)

We've heard that Apple has been receiving reports of floppy drive problems on PowerBooks, primarily on the 140. Apple is trying to figure out what the cause of the problems might be, and in the meantime, users having trouble with the PowerBook floppy drive can call Apple at 800/SOS-APPLE. We'll pass on any more information we hear about this problem, and yes, I realize that the phone number I just gave has one too many digits. I assume it still works fine even if you dial the extra "E."

Here's an odd one. Some people have experienced a problem when printing to the LaserWriter IIf or IIg from a Macintosh using System 7 and the LaserWriter 7.0 driver, where the system will not download the Zapf Dingbats PostScript font that comes on the "LaserWriter II Install 4.0" disks. (These disks come with the LaserWriter IIf and IIg.) Instead, users are getting a bitmapped version of Zapf Dingbats and not the PostScript version, even though they have placed the PostScript version (included on the LaserWriter II Fonts Disk 1) in the System Folder.

The Zapf Dingbats font on the "LaserWriter II Fonts 1" disk is named incorrectly to be temporarily downloaded by the LaserWriter driver. The file name as it appears on the disk is "Zapf Dingbats". For the font to be downloaded by the LaserWriter driver, the file needs to be called "ZapfDin". The incorrect name does not interfere with the LaserWriter Utility's ability to download the font into the printer's memory.

The solution is to make sure you rename the Adobe PostScript font to "ZapfDin" (not the TrueType font. The PostScript font icon contains a large hollow "A" character and the background has horizontal lines. PostScript fonts should be placed in the System Folder, as they do not need to be installed.)

Unlike the LaserWriter IINT and IINTX, the first LaserWriter IIf and IIg do not have Zapf Dingbats in the ROMs. Version 1.1 will have this font in the ROMs, but that won't be on the street for a while.

Connectix -- 800/950-5880 -- 415/571-5100

Information from:
Roy McDonald, Connectix --


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