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Fun Way to Send Attachments in Mail

If you're working in a file that you want to attach to a message in Apple Mail, you can transfer the file to Mail easily: From the title bar of the file's window, drag the little proxy icon to Mail's icon on the Dock. Your Mac will make Mail the active application and open a new outgoing message, with the file attached.

(If your icon won't drag, the file probably isn't saved.)



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Prograph Extensions

TGS Systems, Ltd, the publisher of the Prograph visual, object-oriented programming environment, recently announced that they have extended the capabilities of the environment through a family of six extensions. Prograph is an innovative development environment that allows programmers to work in a visual manner. Unlike prototyping utilities such as MacApp or AppMaker, which allow a programmer to create a visual interface that can then have program code added, Prograph actually generates final applications.

The extensions, which work with Prograph 2.5, are the first offerings in a series of extension products in two categories, Connectivity Tools and Object Tools. The C Interface and Pascal Interface allow the use of C and Pascal libraries from within the Prograph environment. The Comm Toolbox is a Prograph API (application programming interface) for Apple's Communications Toolbox (CTB). SQL Interface/DAL and ORACLE Interface enable creation of networked SQL (pronounced "sequel" and stands for Structured Query Language - don't you love all these acronyms?) client applications in Prograph. The Visual Effects Manager adds presentation-style color transitions and ramps, as well as three-dimensional color text, to Prograph applications.

While most of these libraries appear intended to allow Prograph developers to take advantage of a fuller range of Macintosh system software technology, the real advance for seasoned programmers appears to be the availability of the C Interface and Pascal Interface. These allow the use of THINK C (versions 4 or 5) and MPW C libraries, or THINK Pascal (version 4) or MPW Pascal libraries. These libraries of pre-prepared routines can be used unmodified within the Prograph interpreter and with compiled Prograph applications. As a result, developers using Prograph will be able to make use of Macintosh toolbox and manager routines, such as QuickTime, that are included in libraries provided by other vendors whose products the developers have purchased.

Each of the extensions will be individually priced, and are now available directly from TGS Systems.

TGS Systems -- 902/455-4446 -- FAX 902/455-2246

Information from:
TGS propaganda --


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