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Constant Dictionary Definitions

If you hold down Command-Control-D in a Cocoa-based application that supports AppleSpell, you'll see little dictionary pop-ups for each word that you mouse over. Neat, eh?



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions


Matt Neuburg writes:

Readers interested in hypertext and/or SuperPaint may wish to check out my SuperPaint 3.0 HyperHelp, now lodged for FTP at <> as:


This is a stand-alone hypertext document produced with Storyspace from Eastgate Systems, which we reviewed in TidBITS-095. Basically, you click on a part of a picture or on a word to bring up the linked material. It gives an excellent illustration of Storyspace's more elementary capacities; Storyspace can do many things not illustrated here!

Information from:
Matt Neuburg --


SYNC YOUR PHONE with The Missing Sync: Sync your calendar,
address book, music, photos and much more between your phone
and Mac. Supports ANDROID, BLACKBERRY, PALM PRE and many
other phones. <>