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View Extra Audio Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-clicking the Volume icon in the menu bar displays a list of sound input and output devices. Choose one to switch to it; it's much easier than using the Sound preference pane. Also, hold Shift and click the icon to set the system volume, which is separate from the general output volume.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Apple Announcements

Apple Announcements -- Apple announced a bunch of network-oriented products today, including several dedicated servers based on the Centris 610, Quadra 800, and Quadra 950, a new text-retrieval package called AppleSearch, and two new versions of AppleShare, called AppleShare 4.0 and AppleShare Pro, that offer higher performance for more users. AppleShare 3.0 will stick around for small workgroups. I'll try to write more on these announcements in a future issue.


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