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Smarter Parental Controls

If you've been using the parental controls options in Mac OS X to lock your child out of using a particular computer late at night, but would like to employ a more clever technique to limit Internet access, turn to MAC address filtering on an Apple base station.

To do this, launch AirPort Utility, select your base station, and click Manual Setup. In the Access Control view, choose Time Access to turn on MAC filtering. You'll need to enter the MAC address of the particular computer, which (in 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 Snow Leopard) you can find in the Network System Preferences pane: click AirPort in the adapter list, and click Advanced. The AirPort ID is the MAC address.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

APS Price Lists

APS Price Lists -- Thanks to the efforts of Frank Knapp at APS, we added a new feature to the APS price lists available from The price list is available for request as part of APS's TidBITS sponsorship, and in the past we marked new prices so you could easily scan the list and see them. Now we also include the price drop in dollars. In addition, we changed the way we indicate a new price list. In the past, we added a simple "<-- New" to APS's contact information at the top of the issue. To give a rough idea of how many prices have changed, the "New" now roughly indicates the number or importance of the changes. A few changes get "new," a few more get "New," more yet get "New!", and major changes get "NEW!" It's fuzzy, but it should help. Finally, just so you know, APS tracks orders via the 800 number listed in the online price list. So, if you call using a different 800 number because you have it handy, make sure to mention TidBITS as the source of the prices, or else Macworld or someone else undeserving will get credit.


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