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Sync Safari Bookmarks to Your iPhone

Tired of typing URLs into Mobile Safari on your iPhone or iPod touch? Use the bookmarks you already have in Safari on your Mac.

Next time you do an iTunes sync, select your iPhone or iPod touch in the Devices section of the iTunes sidebar. Scroll down to the Web Browser section of the Info tab on the right-hand side of the iTunes window and select Sync Safari Bookmarks.

After your next sync the bookmarks will be available in Mobile Safari on your iPhone or iPod touch.


Submitted by
Miraz Jordan



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The release date on my book, The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, draws ever closer. The 650-some pages of text and the disk are out of my hands and should ship by the 24th of SeptemberShow full article

Murdoch Buys Delphi

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User Expectations

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MessagePad System Update

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Developing for the MessagePad

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Adjustable Keyboard Problem

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InterNews 1.0

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