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eWorld rate drop

eWorld rate drop -- eWorld recently lowered its rates and eliminated its annoying business hours surcharge. eWorld still costs $8.95 per month for subscribers in the U.S. and Canada, but subscribers can log on for four free hours instead of two. After the first four hours, all additional hours cost $2.95 instead of $4.95. Subscribers from other countries are now charged $9.95 per month with one free hour, and then $9.95 per hour after that.

eWorld also announced that they are working on the next version of eWorld for Macintosh software (the first release of eWorld's Windows software is scheduled for release sometime in 1995). The software, called Golden Gate for now, is planned to have better Internet access, increased speed, improved email, plus new multimedia and text-to-speech features.

In additional eWorld-related news, last week eWorld announced that three additional news services have joined its line-up: U.K. News Today (news and business from the U.K.), Global Grandstand (international sports coverage), and World News Watch (reports of news events world-wide) as well as United Press International's consumer news service, called UPI News You Can Use. See TidBITS-237 for more eWorld information. [TJE]


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