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Using Expose within Spaces

To drag a file into an application that's running in another one of your Spaces, use Expose while in Spaces overview mode. First, press F8 to go into Spaces overview mode, then press F9 to Expose all application windows. Hover over the application window you want and wait a moment or press the Space bar, and both that space and that application come to the foreground, ready for you to drop the file.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions


IKEA -- Sorry for not having tracked down a phone number for IKEA before for those of you who wanted to get a catalog and check out the Jerker desks I mentioned recently. It turns out IKEA's 800 numbers are geographically limited, so people on the East coast of the U.S. should try the first one, people on the West coast should try the second one, and the non-800 number and fax number (for ordering a catalog - fax them your snail mail address) should work anywhere, although the last two are local Seattle numbers so the telephone people may refer you to a different number for your area or country. The 800 numbers weren't accessible from my phone for some reason, so if all else fails, try the non-800 number. [ACE]


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