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Smarter Parental Controls

If you've been using the parental controls options in Mac OS X to lock your child out of using a particular computer late at night, but would like to employ a more clever technique to limit Internet access, turn to MAC address filtering on an Apple base station.

To do this, launch AirPort Utility, select your base station, and click Manual Setup. In the Access Control view, choose Time Access to turn on MAC filtering. You'll need to enter the MAC address of the particular computer, which (in 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 Snow Leopard) you can find in the Network System Preferences pane: click AirPort in the adapter list, and click Advanced. The AirPort ID is the MAC address.



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Web Issues on Hiatus

Web Issues on Hiatus -- Due to life changes and moving on the part of Bill Murphy, who translates TidBITS issues from setext to HTML for posting on the Dartmouth site, recent issues haven't appeared there. Bill will resume the translations soon, and we're working on other ways of providing TidBITS on the Web. In the meantime, you might want to check out TidBITS in HTML format on the PathFinder site at: [ACE] tidbits/tidbitsnew.html


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