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Avoid Naming Pear Note Files

If you create a lot of documents, coming up with a name for them can sometimes be a hassle. This is especially true now that search is becoming a more prevalent way to find documents. Pear Note provides a way to have the application automatically generate a filename so you can avoid this hassle. To use this:

  1. Open Saving under Pear Note's preferences.
  2. Select a default save location.
  3. Select a default save name template (Pear Note's help documents all the fields that can be automatically filled in).
  4. Check the box stating that Command-S saves without prompting.
  5. If you decide you want to name a particular note later, just use Save As... instead.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

ExtraBITS for 13 September 2010

If you're looking for some commute-time listening, Adam was a guest on both MacBreak Weekly and the Tech Night Owl Live this past week, talking in both cases about the recent Apple announcements. Also, for those considering a new iPod nano, note that you can now easily turn it into a wristwatch, and if you're wondering what happened to VersionTracker, it was subsumed into CNET Downloads.

Put an iPod nano on Your Wrist -- The iPod nano has finally shrunk enough to live in the most obvious spot on your body - your wrist. iLoveHandles is selling the $19.95 Rock Band, a leather strap to which the new iPod nano clips such that it looks just like a wristwatch. Now we're wondering if there will ever be an iPhone nano that could be attached in a similar fashion.

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More Apple Announcement Discussion on Tech Night Owl Live -- For yet more analysis of Apple's recent announcements from Adam and host Gene Steinberg, tune in to this week's Tech Night Owl podcast.

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Adam Discusses Apple Releases on MacBreak Weekly -- Last week, Adam was a last-minute guest addition to the popular MacBreak Weekly netcast, joining host Leo Laporte and Andy Ihnatko to talk about all the recent Apple news: Ping, Apple TV, the new iTunes interface, mobile gaming, and much more. It's an enjoyable bit of Apple-centric chatter, in both audio and video formats.

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VersionTracker Subsumed into CNET Downloads -- Thanks to Ted Landau for pointing out the story behind the shutdown of VersionTracker, which readers had started to ask us about. CNET, which acquired VersionTracker several years ago, is merging VersionTracker into CNET Downloads. It doesn't look like the overall functionality will change much, but the VersionTracker name will go away.

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