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Set Password Activation Time in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, you can now set an amount of time after your Mac goes to sleep or engages the screen saver before it requires a password to log back on. In Leopard, the option was simply to require the password or not. Choose among several increments, between 5 seconds and 4 hours, from System Preferences > Security.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Four TidBITS Staffers Honored in 2010 MacTech 25

Congratulations are once again due to my fellow TidBITS staffers - Adam Engst, Tonya Engst, Glenn Fleishman, and Joe Kissell - who were included in the third MacTech 25 list of most influential people in the Macintosh technical community (for the previous lists, see "Adam & Tonya Engst Honored in MacTech 25," 17 July 2006, and "TidBITS Staffers Honored in 2007 MacTech 25," 11 June 2007).

A notable addition to the list this year is Ars Technica's Jacqui Cheng, who joins Tonya as one of only two women on the list. Tonya was the only woman in the 2007 list, and the 2006 list also included Andrina Kelly, Mac OS X system administrator for C.O.R.E. Feature Animation and contributing editor for Though the technology world often appears to be male-dominated, there are in fact many women doing serious technical work at the highest levels, and it's nice to see at least some recognition of that in the MacTech 25. See MacTech's Web site for the full list.


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Comments about Four TidBITS Staffers Honored in 2010 MacTech 25

Congrats to the TidBITS staff winners...well deserved recognition once again. One thing I didn't quite understand was whether Tonya made the cut this year or not since the MacTech web site says "Jacqui Cheng - the only woman in our top 25 list - ..."

Appears there's only one stand-alone woman in the Top 25 list since Tonya and Adam are lumped together as one of the "Top 25" winners. Note that there are 24 winners plus the dynamic duo of Tonya and Adam for a total of 25. Or is it really a Top 26?

Am I reading this correctly? Or is the (MacTech) piece just poorly written and in need of some of Tonya's superb editing skills? ;-)
Jeff Carlson2010-04-26 22:06
The latter. :-)
Adam Engst2010-04-27 03:43
The basic problem is that MacTech didn't want to separate me and Tonya in the list, since so much of what people think I do is actually possible because of work from both of us. So in the very first one they lumped us together into AdamTonya (as the young child of a friend used to call both of us for a while).

As a result, yes, there are actually 26 people on the list, and that led to the editing error with calling Jacqui the only the woman on the list.