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Email Examiner
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Movie Blocker
PopUp Blocker
Intruder Blocker
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Cookie Eraser
Privacy Protector
Security Watchdog
Windows Messenger
Explorer Cleaner
Office Cleaner
Windows Cleaner
Garbage Cleaner
Encryption Services
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Forum, Update & News
Version Control

Update & News

Use the User Forum knowledge base

Welcome All-in-One SECRETMAKER user. Whenever you figure a problem, try reading posts in the All-in-One SECRETMAKER User Forum to see if your problem has been experienced already and whether the solution can help you (so as not to re-invent the wheel). You may find it useful to Search the forum for such posts.

It is understandable that you may be experiencing frustration and be upset if you are having difficulty with Secretmaker or with your computer. Please make every effort to be polite and avoid the use of profanity in your posts. A good rule-of-thumb that works well when posting in forums is to aim your words at the problem and not at a person who is posting. Following that rule-of-thumb will result in posts which are helpful to everyone reading the forum.

If you have a problem or "bug" to report, would you be so kind as to supply some background information; type of Computer (make and model), Operating System, (do you have the latest patches installed), Programs which are running in memory with their version number, and anything else you believe could assist in solving your problem.

Be as clear as possible when you explain the problem. Please do not just state, "I have a problem". The people trying to help with your problem will often find it useful to have step-by-step instructions as to how exactly the problem can be reproduced; if you can give such instructions please do.

The most recent version released is available at the secretmaker update page. Some versions have Buttons for features that are not yet available because they are still in development. Pressing the tiny i (within the Icon) usually links to a helpful information screen or you may discover the feature is for Future Services. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

FYI: Historically the most common fatal problem people have experienced has been a driver conflict resulting in either the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) or a frequent unexplained system restart.

If you are experiencing this problem and you have installed the most recent version following These Instructions.
The best solution at this time is to uninstall Secretmaker. If Secretmaker is the cause of driver conflict we are sorry for your troubles but cannot guarantee it will work with every type of system configuration. If you like, you many check back and try a newer version and hopefully your problem will be resolved. But please do remember, once uninstalled, Secretmaker is no longer responsible for your headaches.

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Check for actual version and the latest news.

All-in-One SECRETMAKER automatically checks for updates.

When you click on "Check Now" All-in-One SECRETMAKER will connect to the secretmaker web page and does compare if this information is newer as the one stored on your computer and will indicate if a newer version is available.

By doing this All-in-One SECRETMAKER does not send any specific information about your computer, your configuration or whatever to us.

You can also visit our web side to read about the latest version and changes by clicking on the link below:

All-in-One SECRETMAKER Update

If you want to check manually for an update click on the "Check for Update" button in the All in One SECRETMAKER dialog window.

To open the All in One SECRETMAKER dialog window double-click on the All in One SECRETMAKER icon, the yellow face with a black mask, in the task bar.

To read the latest news about All-in-One SECRETMAKER click on the link below:


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Future Service

Some Services can show the following informatiom:

This is a future services and under ongoing development.

The development of All-in-One SECRETMAKER is a continuously process and not fully finished yet.

Ensure that you install never versions which are notified through the ‘Check for Update’ service to benefit from new features.

Check regularly for updates to stay tuned.

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