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Blocker Optimizing

Quick Blocker instructions

All-in-One SECRETMAKER unique technology replaces blocked content with color friendly space fillers. Disturbing advertisings are blocked out. No blinking banners or flashing ads are shown. By this the viewed web side get much quieter, easy readable and faster loaded.

This space fillers are shown in three different color combination which visualize the reason of blocking this content (it can be disabled in the preferences).

Note: holding Shift+Ctrl key while loading the web site temporary disables the Banner Blocker and Movie Blocker.

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These are:

Blocked as coming from external source or is matching internal blocking rules. Shown with space fillers in pastel colors from red, yellow, green and blue.
Where the cubes are shown for replaced pictures, the stripes for replaced flash animations or movies.


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Blocked as source is in source blocker black list. Shown with space fillers in full colors red, yellow, green and blue.
Where the cubes are shown for replaced pictures, the stripes for replaced flash animations or movies.


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Blocked as source is in intruder blocker black list (be carefully if you modify this as only known Spyware sources are in this blacklist). Shown with space fillers in the colors yellow and black.

Blocked flash animations are shown with horizontal lines according to the mention reasons above. Overlaid flash animations can be closed with a click on the cross in the top right corner.

Note: These replacements can not been shown always. Blocker replacements can be disabled in the preferences.


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How to optimize a web side where you think necessary content is not shown or blocked.

If you want to visit a website and you believe the site is not appearing correctly, just reload the web side while holding the 'Ctrl' key until the page is fully loaded. This way you quickly can see the difference.

In the Bocker whitelist you can see two windows. Hotkey is Shift+Ctrl+B.
In the upper window Managed URL's your own optimized websites are shown (if any). In the lower window Processed URL's are shown. The URL’s are sorted alphabetically.
Allowed URL's are shown in green. Blocked URL's in red or black.

Allow blocked pictures and scripts from a specific address (URL shown in red) check mark the BAN box on the corresponding line.

Allow blocked Movie and Flash from a specific address (URL shown in red) check mark the MOV box on the corresponding line.

Accept blocked PopUp's from a specific address (URL shown in black in the lower window) check mark the POP box on the corresponding line.

Allow specific URL's for automated software updates (Intruder Blocker) check mark the PRG box on the corresponding line.

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Lets have a look at the example for the cnn.com side:

As you can see there are many content replacements showing the colors from All-in-On SECRETMAKER. This is caused as the cnn.com side requests pictures from the external source cnn.net (not from cnn.com itself).


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Let’s have a look from where: right click on an replaced content and choose Properties from the drop down menu (Microsoft Internet Explorer) to check from which source this content is delivered.


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In the picture properties we can see under Address from where this picture is delivered and we see that it comes from cnn.net.

This is the reason why it has not been shown as cnn.net is a different source address then cnn.com.


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In the lower window we see in the “Processed URL’s” column the red entry cnn.com and right besides in the related URL’s column cnn.net.

To optimize we have to allow pictures (banners) from that source and therefore we checkmark the BAN box on the line where both URL's cnn.com and cnn.net are mention. After that click on the “Apply” button.

This line moves to the upper window. We can switch back to the browser window and reload the webside to see the result from the optimization.


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The page is loaded correctly. As you remember there have been much more lines shown in the lower Blocker White List window and most of them shown i red. This are sources use for delivering advertisings as atwola.com or other purpose like for user tracking.

All-in-One SECRETMAKER comes already with 100'000 of pre-checked URL's which are optimized if necessary. Most web sites do not need any optimization.

All allowed URL's are shown in green in the lower window. (Processed URL's)
Accepted URL's are shown in black in the upper window (Managed URL's).

Blocker Whitelist releases shown "Processed URL's" after 10-20 minutes. Clicking on the "Clear List" button or initializing the Browser Cleaner with the hotkey Shift+Ctrl+H empties the list immediately.

We advise to do so before you start to optimize a specific web site so that only the processed URL’s for this specific web site are shown.

Remember: Content from red or black shown URL's is blocked. Content from green shown URL's is allowed.


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A source which is shown black tried to show a popup window and has been blocked. To allow this popup window checkmark the POP box as shown in the picture above.

In the list are two and three level domains shown where lower levels overwrite higher levels in their permissions.

Two level domain = cnn.net
Three level domain = aaa.cnn.net

This means if the source cnn.net is white listed all other sources like aaa.cnn.net can deliver their content also.

If aaa.cnn.net is white listed cnn.net is not allowed to deliver content.

Flash-based websites, such as Disney.com must be checked at the MOV box in the White List. If not, these websites cannot be correctly viewed, since the flash animation is blocked. Disney.com and similar sites, mostly viewed by children, have been already optimized and are included in the All-in-One SECRETMAKER Blocker database. If we did forgewt one of the big sites please drop us a note.

To allow executable content from a specific web site check mark the PRG box on the related URL and click on Apply. Be carefully with that as then the Intruder Blocker is disabled for this URL.

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Links for tracking purposes are also blocked to avoid user profiling. This is the case when you click on a specific link and get a entire blocked side as result.

There are three ways to views the side.

First: http://www.doubleclick.net/adv?http://lycos.com, remove the leading characters (shown kursiv) so that you have only http://lycos.com as the URL and you will see the desired page without being tracked or profiled from external sources.

Second: copy the entire address open a new browser window and use the address there. The page will be shown correctly. Tracking information are probably sent to profiling or marketing companies.

Third: while holding the 'Ctrl' the Banner Blocker, Movie Blocker and PopUp Blocker are temporely diabled. Just reload the page. Tracking information are probably sent to profiling or marketing companies.

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Intruder Blocker optimization

It's the purpose of the Intruder Blocker to block any executable which wants to enter your computer.

A warning window does appear where you then can confirm the download.

Allow specific URL's for automated software updates check mark the PRG box on the corresponding line.

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Advanced Blocker optimization

There are two more check boxes which are visible in the advanced view with very powerful mechanism.

These two boxes have inverse functionality which means if check marked the URL is additionally blocked. SRC (Source Blocker) blocks any web content from a marked URL where SPY (Intruder Blocker) blocks the entire URL for web content and executables.

These additional check boxes are shown only in the advanced view by clicking on the top left button from the Blocker White list window. In the advanced view all optimized URL's (also the pre-optimized from us) are shown.

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