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Movie Blocker

Avoids animations, faster browsing, reduces costs

The All-in-One SECRETMAKER Movie Blocker blocks Movie and Flash’s animation, improving your Internet surfing speed and reducing your online access costs. The Movie Blocker is browser independent.

Note: holding the Shift+Ctrl key while loading the web site temporary disables the Banner Blocker, Movie Blocker and PopUp Blocker.

The Movie Blocker blocks movies and flash’s from external and local sources (shown as the URL in your browser) as they often have nothing to do with navigation of the website itself. Most websites require nothing special to work smoothly with the activated Movei Blocker.

However complex sites, such as dysney.com, sony.com, lego.com and others, which obtain their content from varied sources, must be optimized. Movie Blocker includes a preset data base, complete with settings for the most visited websites worldwide including the URL’s mention above.

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Movie Blocker On

The icon on the right side shows when Movie Blocker is active. Movie Blocker may be switched ON or OFF by clicking on the icon.

The Hotkey to turn Movie Blocker ON/OFF is Ctrl+Alt+M.


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For optimizing certain web sites please refer to the Blocker Optimization side for detailed instructions.

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Movie Blocker Off

To stop this service, click the Movie Blocker icon.
When you activate Movie Blocker again and the Movie Blocker counter will increment to the last value left when the service was disabled.


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