
Picture of a humpback whale breaching the surface


Welcome to the WhaleNet website. Focusing on whales and marine research, WhaleNet is dedicated to interdisciplinary education. Our Goal is to foster excitement about learning and the environment.
WhaleNet is a collaborative project of the biology departments at Wheelock and Simmons Colleges in Boston, Massachusetts with support from the National Science Foundation and technical assistance from MuseNet-- the Multi-user Science Education Network.
Click here for the WhaleNet Information Packet, providing directions and teaching activities needed to start participating in WhaleNet, and the WhaleNet Overview which gives a brief description of the program. The packet and overview can be either downloaded to your desktop or self forwarded via email.
WhaleNet has been selected for a number of Educational Resources Awards (with links).

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here click here NSTA Logo NABT Logo

*** This site was last updated on August 6, 1997 ***

-- Follow a HOODED SEAL and a HARBOR SEAL, released in Maine on July 9, 1997, via satellite tracking technology on WhaleNet.

Preliminary data, background information, pictures, and maps is available on WhaleNet's Satellite Tagging Observation Program page. Links to information from collaborating institutions such as The New England Aquarium, Northeast Marine Animal Lifeline (University of New England), the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Sea World of Ohio, and Sea World of Orlando will also be included.
Also, track the movements of three LOGGERHEAD TURTLES ("Annie", "Isabelle", and "Aerial") tagged by researchers with the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary, Georgia.
Data, information, and location maps will be updated regularly as the seals move about the North Atlantic Ocean. Stop back often.
Plans to satellite tag and release two elephant seals (July 28) in conjunction with the Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur in San Pedro, California are proceeding as scheduled. Check back this week for more information and data.

Opinions? Reactions? The Why Files wants brief comments for an article about WhaleNet. (Click WhaleNet to send.)

Please help us improve our site by submitting this WhaleNet Survey.
  • Teacher Survey
  • Student Survey

  • As a way of thanking you for completing our Web-site Feedback Form, you will receive a WhaleNet lapel pin and be entered into a drawing for the Discovery Channel's CD-ROM "In the Company of Whales".

    WhaleNet Site Search Engine

    General Information Pages

  • ASK a Scientist - You can email questions to a scientist.

  • Satellite Tagging Programs - Access data, maps, and information on our satellite tagged marine mammals.

  • Research Vessel Logs, Data and Information - Data and information from research vessels.
    1997 Voyage of the Midnight Sun

  • Slide Shows - Whales, Research, Seals, Kid's Art and Flukes
    (Whale Parts)

  • Movie Collection - "Stephanie" and the Exploading Whale

  • What's it?? 7/22/97 - Can you Identify this??

  • Meet "Lucy" the Inflatable Whale - A whale that you can take home.

  • Links of the Week - Very Interesting links selected by WhaleNet.

  • Catch of the Day - Current information, notices, professional development, curriculum units, and points of interest.

  • Data, Case Studies, News, and Listservs - WhaleNet's own archives of ASK answers, data, and information.

  • Marine Mammal Links and Information - Informative links on a wide range of marine mammal topics.

  • Weather Info Links - Interesting links for related weather research and information.

    WhaleNet Site Search Engine

  • NOAA Marine Sanctuaries and Right Whale Links
    NOAA Marine Sanctuaries
    NOAA/NMFS Northern Right Whale Sighting Information
    Right Whale Alerts, 01 July 97
    Right Whale Reports

    Specific and Professional Topics of Interest
  • Educational Resources, Bibliographies, and Links - Variety of very useful links on species of marine mammals, maps, weather, classification, aquraia, etc.

  • Affiliate Organizations and Adoption Programs - Groups collaborating with WhaleNet.

  • 1997 WhaleNet Whale Watch Company Participants - Companies to consider using that work with educators and WhaleNet.

  • NetPal & WhaleNet Registration - Register your class to collaborate with other similar classes.

  • Curriculum Units & Resources - A variety of units using WhaleNet data and other sources.

  • Right Whale "Rat" Curriculum Unit - Unit using the movement data of "Rat" on the calving grounds.

  • Teacher Workshops & Regional Coordinators - WhaleNet contacts around the country for information and assistance.

  • Professional Development Programs Courses & Workshops - Listing of WhaleNet Professional Develpment Programs and other informative links.

  • WhaleNet Info Packet, Booklets, and Data Sheets - Download the packet to access information on how to use WhaleNet, how to up-load and down-load data, and teaching activites related to WhaleNet.

  • Catch of the Day
    Current information, notices, professional development, curriculum units, and points of interest.

    Whale Parts Slide Show

    ASK a Scientist
    Ask questions of scientists active in marine research.

    S.T.O.P. - Satellite Tagging Observation Program

    This is a unique research project, monitoring the actual movements of whales, seals, and other marine organisms using satellite tag technology. Actual data on unique research is made available for educational purposes.

    Metompkin (Is a Mother!!) Update!!

    "I like to think that on 07/04(/96) Metompkin's burden fell away. Independence Day. She did make an appearance in the Bay of Fundy this past August and we were ecstatic to see that she'd lost the gear and was swimming free. Whatever the case, this young whale was pregnant during the whole ordeal because she is here with her first calf." -- Chris Slay, New England Aquarium, Right Whale Research
    (More information in the EWS reports.)

    Links of the Week
    High interest links dealing with marine mammals and marine science.
    Summer Programs around the country for Students

    What's It?
    Can You Identify the Organism?

    Expanded Menu

    Click here for MORE WhaleNet Menu Items- detailed and expanded.

    Preview of Coming Attractions
    Information about up-coming projects and events.

    Search Engines
    to assist you in finding information on the Web.
    WhaleNet Site Search Engine

    Picture of a mailbox) whale-master@whale.wheelock.edu
    Send us any comments you might have.

    Access Statistics for WhaleNet.
    Click here to see the record of who logs onto WhaleNet, how often, and from where.
    Click here for a map of countries that have accessed WhaleNet.

    The New England Aquarium here in Boston is collaborating with our WhaleNet project. Plans to incorporate recent whale watch data from their Voyager vessel along with harbor water quality statistics into our new database program are being worked out. Also in the development stages are plans to transmit live microwave video images from underwater cameras on the Voyager into our WhaleNet server. More details on this technology will be emerging soon. Please click on the Aquarium's logo above to visit their web server. We know that you will find their available resources a great addition to your classroom projects!

    National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

    This site is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 2.0 or newer
    Download Netscape Now !

    Note: The WhaleNet page is undergoing construction and revisions at the present time. Please be patient as we continue with the HTML for our various projects and activities. Thanks for your understanding!