Web-site Feedback

We would like to know what you think of this web-site so that we can improve WhaleNet's services and products, and provide information to WhaleNet's sponsors.

As a way of thanking you for completing our Web-site Feedback Form, you will receive a WhaleNet lapel pin and be entered into a drawing for the Discovery Channel's CD-ROM "In the Company of Whales".

Educator WhaleNet Web-site Feedback Form

In order to send in this form, please print it and return it by snail-mail. Mail it to: WhaleNet, Wheelock College, 200 The Riverway, Boston, MA, 02215.

Check one box for each of the following questions:

Which of the following best describes you?
Elementary School teacher
Middle School teacher
High School teacher
College Professor
Home School Parent
Other (please describe):

Your school's location is in:
the U.S.
another country:

In which region of the U.S. is your school located?

Northeast Mid-Atlantic Gulf Coast
Great Lakes Southwest West coast
Pacific Island Southeast Mid Continent
Alaska Other:

Is your school:

Is your school in:
a city
a suburb

How many times have you visited the WhaleNet web-site?
1 time
2-3 times
4-5 times
6-7 times
8 or more times

Click on as many as apply:

Your access to WhaleNet is:
in my classroom
in my school's library
in my school's computer lab
at home

How often do you use the Internet as a resource in your teaching/classroom?
Just exploring potential teaching/classroom uses
A few times per month
A few times a semester

How did you find out about WhaleNet?
through a search engine
someone told me about it
received/picked up a brochure
read an article about it
through a link from another site
attended a workshop

Which sections of the WhaleNet web-site have you used?
STOP - Satellite Tagging Observation Program
ASK a Scientist
Slide shows
Educational resources and links
Whale Watch Data
WNpal listserv
Research Voyages
Weather links
What's it?
Movie Collection
Inflatable Whale: Lucy

For what did you use WhaleNet?
as a classroom assignment/activity
for your own research
as a student research tool
offered as an extra credit activity
for personal interest
for professional development interests

Did you have trouble with any of the following:

finding what you needed yes no
using whale watch data yes no did not use
sending whale watch data yes no did not try
sending a question to an ASK scientist yes no did not try
joining a listserv yes no did not try
using any of the WhaleNet archives yes no did not try
If yes, then what was the trouble?

What are the benefits to your student of using WhaleNet?
(Please check all that apply.)

Student knowledge about whales and marine science is increased.
Student telecommunications skills are improved
Student data analysis, problem solving and critical thinking skills are improved.
Student understanding of the scientific process is increased.
Student reasearch skills are improved.
Student attitudes about the environment/science are changed.

Answer the following questions appropriately:

Does your class go on a whale watch trip? yes no
Do you plan to use WhaleNet again? yes no
Would you recommend this site to other teachers yes no

What do you think is the best aspect of the WhaleNet web-site?

What should we do to improve the WhaleNet web-site?

Compared to other Internet sites I've used, WhaleNet is:
not very good

Other comments:

Thank you for filling out this form and helping us to improve WhaleNet.

To receive your pin and enter the drawing for the CD Rom, please complete the following:

Last Name :First Name:
Email address:
School :
Mailing address :
City: State:



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