WhaleNet/Environet Listserv/Forums

WhaleNet Listservs/Forums

Ask 97- Current A list for compiling responses to the ASK program.
Ask 1996 Archive Archives from 1996
mabt List for the Massachusetts Assoc. of Biology Teachers
namma NAMMA (North Atlantic Marine Mammal Association List).
netpal List of finding NetPals for WhaleNet projects.
Information (info) 1997 - Current Case Studies, News and Information. Click here for help on posting WhaleNet data
WhaleNet 97 - Current Current DATA, Case Studies, Data, News and Information. Click here for help on posting WhaleNet data
WhaleNet 96 - Archive Archives from 1996
WhaleNet 95 - Archive Archives from 1995
WhaleNet 94 - Archive Archives from 1994
wncurriculum WhaleNet curriculum list for teacher input

Environet Listservs/Forums

acidrain        List to monitor the pH levels of precip. and it's effects
attendance      A list for attendance data for the HealthNet project    
batnet          List for study of bat species, feeding, and migration.
birdwatch       List for bird feeder monitoring, migration observation
coyote-howl     List for discussion of coyote populations & habitats
edutech         Discussion of edu. technologies in a networked classroom
environet       List for discussions of the EnviroNet program.
exercise        List for data & comments on exercise monitoring project 
food            List for data & comments on food monitoring project     
health-talk     List for posting HealthNet related questions            
healthnet       List for general messages related to HealthNet project  
herpatlas       Discussions and data on reptiles & amphibians in Mass.
homework        A list for posting completed EnviroNet assignments
hygiene         List for data & comments on hygiene monitoring project  
insect-world    List for data entry & discussion of insect monitoring
lichens         Discuss lichen growth as a bioindicator of air quality
ozone           List for discussion & data entry of ground level ozone.
ozone-layer     Discussion of the stratospheric ozone monitoring project
plants          Discussions on the plant kingdom, ethnobotany issues
rest            List for data & comments on sleep monitoring project    
roadkill        Data entry & discussion of the roadkill monitoring proj.
roadsalt        Discussion of groundwater movements & effects of salt
seasons         Discussion and data regarding seasonal changes
texas           The Texas list.                                         
tooth           Data & comments on sweet tooth monitoring project       
vpool           List for the Vernal Pool Association's discussions
water-quality   List for water quality and monitoring activities

WhaleNet EnviroNet
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