
Meet Lucy...the whale that goes to school!!!

Lucy is an inflatable whale kit that you can see in the slide-show table below. The directions and a list of materials needed to build this educational tool are in the booklet that is described here.

How to Build an Inflatable (55 ft.) Fin Whale (booklet) - Instructions on how to build a 55 foot long model of a whale that can be carried in a duffel bag by one person. Students and teachers can walk inside. Estimated cost for materials is between $40.00 and $50.00 Cost for this booklet is $8.00 and can be purchased by sending your request.

Make Check for $8.00 payable to: J. Michael Williamson

Send order form to:

J. Michael Williamson
20 Moynihan Rd.
So. Hamilton, MA 01982

This model is sure
to get your students
about whales!!!

Check out this slide show of "Lucy" with a class

Commercial Suppliers of Materials used in WhaleNet Activities,
building LUCY, and synthetic marine mammal teeth and skulls.

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