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Picture of COA logo Allied Whale(AlliedWhale@ecology.coa.edu)
For information on specific whales in the humpback whale catalog email Allied Whale at the College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine.
  • Download this Species Identification Chart

    Useful Web Sites and Resources

    WhaleNet Data, Case Studies and Listservs
    To access current WhaleNet data, case studies, information files, and
    listserves: WhaleNet, WhaleNet Curriculum, and the NetPal directory.

    Educational Resources, Bibliographies, Glossary and Activities
    Click on this menu for a listing of Educational Resources, Map Generator, and a Tide Generator for your use.
    SPECIAL: An Introduction to the Internet for Teachers This tutorial is geared towards teachers who have had little or no exposure to the Internet. It covers basic concepts and is not specific to any computer hardware or software.

    SPECIAL: Two Interesting Books !!
    Crystal-The Story of a Baby Whale
    Whale is Stuck

    SPECIAL: Infamous Exploding Whale

    Educational AwardsEducational awards received by WhaleNet.

    WhaleNet Affiliates and Adoptions Programs
    A list of groups and organizations that are working with the WhaleNet project.

    Internet Marine Mammal Resource Listing
    A compiled listing of resources that are available on the Internet for marine mammal information.

    WhaleNet Slide Shows
    Five Slide Shows that exhibit a portion of WhaleNet's exciting collection of photographs, and Kid's Art. You can submit your art for possible selection. Send your picture to: WhaleNet, Wheelock College, 200 The Riverway, Boston, MA 02215. Include your name, grade, and school address.

    Meet Lucy
    Lucy is a Fin Whale that you can bring to school in a duffel bag!!!

    Marine Related Weather Links
    Click here to access weather related information that may be helpful for classroom research projects.

    Sail with these Research Vessels
    Click here to share in the adventures and data collection of these reseach vessel affiliates:

    Song of the Whale
    Tabor Boy
    Midnight Sun

    NOAA Marine Sanctuaries
    The educational directors of the NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries have endorsed the WhaleNet project and have made a commitment towards extensive collaboration with us. We have created a page which will facilitate your visit to many of these sanctuary sites. We look forward to developing our WhaleNet project with these sanctuaries.

    Regional Resource Centers and WhaleNet Workshops
    Training for participation in the WhaleNet project will be provided to teachers and other interested educational groups at various locations around the country. Click on this icon to see a tentative schedule of dates and places where you may find this support.

    Professional Development Programs
    We will be listing in this menu, available courses and field experiences in marine science that may interest you.

    WhaleNet Overview and Brochure
    Click here for the WhaleNet Overview, a brief summary of the program.
    Click here for the WhaleNet (Teacher) Information Packet, This Information Packet provides information and teaching activities that will assist with your participation in WhaleNet. The packet including whale and pollution data sheets can be either downloaded to your desktop or self forwarded via email.

    Picture of a mailbox) whale-master@whale.wheelock.edu
    Send us any comments you might have.

    WhaleNet EnviroNet
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