ASK Program
Summer 1997

(Picture of Gulf of Maine)

The ASK Program - Summer 1997 will be conducted in conjunction with researchers affiliated with different organizations: Center for Oceanic Research and Education (CORE) with the Yankee Fleet, Gloucester, MA; and, the National Marine Mammal Lab and the Univ. of Washington.

You may participate by asking questions of any of these participants and by accessing the information links provided.

You can ask members of each organization to provide answers to your questions. Weekly summaries of whale sightings and observations can be found on the WhaleNet listervs and data bases.

Click on EITHER highlighted name or organization to email your questions.

The participants/organizations are:

  • Lisa Foerster-Francis, at the Center for Oceanic Research and Education (CORE) members work aboard the Yankee Fleet out of Gloucester, Massachusetts and conducts most of its research on southern Jeffrey's Ledge and northern Stellwagen bank.


  • Leah Gerber is a Ph.D. candidate at Univ. of Washington. Her project is to develop quantiative criteria for Endangered Species Act classification for large whales. Her Master's work was with Steller sea lions,and she has done extensive field work with both cetaceans and pinnipeds on the West coast (gray whales, humpback whales, Steller sea lions, blue whales).
    Leah is the student-member at large for the the Society for Marine Mammalogy (associated listservs) and works with theNational Marine Mammal Lab,and has teaching experience in both Ecology and Marine Mammalogy, and is generally interested in conservation-related education.

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