Data: Weather
and Satellite Imagery

Picture of humpback at surface

  • The Beaufort Scale (at the Northern Illinois Univeristy)

  • Buzzard's Worldwide Weather Information

  • Clouds-UIUC Cloud Catalog

  • Coastal Forecast System

  • EarthWatch Satellite Maps

  • EarthWatch Weather on Demand

  • Gulf Stream Surface Temp Imagery/URI

  • New England Marine Forecast

  • NASA Spacelink - An Electronic Information System for Educators

  • Ocean Remote Sensing: AVHRR Imagery (Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory)

  • Ozone-Nimbus-7/TOMS Images

  • Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Images

  • Sea Surface Temperatures

  • SeaWiFS Project - Homepage

  • North Atlantic SeaWiFS Project

  • SeaWiFS Project Image Archive

  • Tide PredictorWWW Interface by Dean Pentcheff

  • WCVB Weather Update and Information

  • The Weather Channel

  • WhaleNet EnviroNet
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