Picture of humpback mouth

The links included on this page are educational curriculum resources for your use. If you know of more interesting links please forward the information to us so that we can share it with other WhaleNet users.

    An Introduction to the Internet for Teachers - This tutorial is geared towards teachers who have had little or no exposure to the Internet. It covers basic concepts and is not specific to any computer hardware or software.

  • Activities and Curriculum Units
    SPECIAL - Curriculum Units on:
    "Metompkin", the right whale
    "Rat" RWC#1509, Right Whale Research Unit
    "Stephanie", the hooded seal, Dive Data Unit.
    "Stephanie"- Satellite Data Analysis Unit - math skills and problem solving skills needed.
    Sea Education Association Unit related to geography and productivity. Follow student crewed research voyage and related research.
    [Real-time data and information].

  • Related Sites with Information on Right Whales:
    The habits of whales - Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
    Protected species - National Marine Fisheries Service Cetaceans Page
    National Marine Fisheries Service Recovery Plan for the Northern Right Whale
    National Marine Fisheries Northeast Regional Office in Gloucester, MA
    Northeast Marine Science Center in Woods Hole, MA

    Allied Whale, College of the Atlantic Curriculum Information
    Curriculum Unit Development: Self-Workshop (12/5/96)
    Long Marine Lab, Scientific Method of Investigation
    NSF/WhaleNet page.
    NSF/WhaleNet links,use Search function.
    Stevens Institute of Technology Marine Education Project

    Stowaway Adventure by Stevens Inst. of Tech.
    WhaleNet Start-up Activities
    WhaleNet Curriculum Listserv Files
    WhaleNet Files - Files on whale watch research data, case studies , and general information for classroom use.
    World of Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises -- Interdisciplinary Curriculum Activities for Pre-K through High Schoolby Serrill and Williamson
    Whale Unit, A Fourth Grade Curriculum by Karen Amodeo

    WhaleNet Educational Resources page